Congratulations to Stan Harris
Despite unfavourable weather and problems with his bottom bracket ( ouch ), Stan met his target of completing the 699 miles miles of his charity ride from Waltham Abbey to John O'Groats, in 10 riding days. What a pity he couldn't find that extra mile to make it a round 700.
He thinks he has been able to raise well over £500 for
The Waltham Abbey Salvation Army Corps, and would like to say a big
thankyou for all the support he has received from 40 + members .
Clearly the ride couldn't have been that tiring however -- he managed to find the energy to keep a log of each day of his ride , which you can read below.
,Ride From Waltham Abbey to John
Hill--what hill? |
O Groats Commencing 20th May 2014
Day 1 Waltham Abbey Salvation Army Hall to Peterborough
I left home at 9.15am and slowly rode along the River Lea to the Hall; I was pleasantly surprised to see Frank, Alan, and Peter of the U.3.A were there to give me a send off.
After a photo shoot with the Boys, Maureen, Katrina, and other Corps members I set on my way accompanied by Peter. We made good time with Peter leading the way to Ware and I stopped at Malcolm’s shop to say hello to Ellen, Kay, and Malcolm.
On the other side of the road waiting for me was John, Ted, and Barry, so I now had four riders to set to lead me on my way.
They all rode with me to Buntingford where we said farewell and I continued on my own towards Peterborough, I have never been there before but managed to find the hotel previously booked with no trouble.
Day2 Peterborough to Brigg I left Peterborough and rode out of town going round many roundabouts until I reached the A.15. I rode the A15 towards Lincoln went through the town centre and on to Brigg where again I had booked a Hotel called Arties Lodge Mill. I Checked in had a nice bath and went for a meal. A special offer was available for fish and chips at £3,95, so with a pint of Guinness had a good cheap meal. I went to bed early for I knew I had some hard riding to look forward to over the next few days. Tomorrow I ride towards York.
Day 3 Brigg to Thirsk It rained very hard in the night and it continued into the morning but after breakfast I decided I might as well go and make my way over Humber Bridge, the Bridge is quite impressive and one wonders how it can span over such a distance.
After crossing the Bridge the rain stopped and it was more comfortable riding and I made my way towards Beverly but before reaching Beverly took a left fork towards York it was very hilly but I made good time and was there by 2pm I had a quick look around the Town Centre and decided to carry on to Thirsk where I booked into a B&B, by coincidence it was the same B&B Stewart stayed in earlier in the year, the owners name was Barry, he was a bit eccentric but very nice, I went out later to the town centre and again had fish and chips before going back to bed.
Thirsk to Corbridge Day 4 It’s a dull day with rain in the air, cold and windy, the wind was against me; however, I set forth towards Darlington heading for Corbridge I cut the mileage down owing to the tough hills, the route crosses the Pennines and must confess I had to walk up some of the hills, however, I made it to Corbridge, but was at first unable to get a B&B,after several tries and lots of no vacancies signs I rode out of the Town Centre and called in a pub with a B&B sign up, and the manager had just had a cancellation. The manager was very helpful and after checking on his internet said I could have the room. The room was very nice with a huge double bed and an upmarket television he asked £55 for the room but took £5 off for the Salvation Army.
Day 5 Corbridge to Jedburgh I left Corbridge at 9am and proceeded towards the A68 leading to Jedburgh, the going was very tough with lots of hills and my legs are getting tired, so walked some of the hills to help my legs recover, I had leg cramps in the night, but drank about two litres of juice, and in the morning was recovered. The temperature had dropped, and the wind was increasing, there were lots of motorbikes on the road with tents on the back, I think there must have been a rally somewhere one bike however didn’t make it caught fire and was burning well when I reached it. The riders were safe and just stood there in despair, I could only sympathise I did however, take a picture and carried on. I crossed the English/Scottish boarder at about 3pm and took a few pictures it was only another 9 miles to Jedburgh and mostly downhill so I made good time, I am still averaging over 10 mile per hour, again B&Bs were not easy to find, the Tourist Information were not helpful but I eventually I found a very nice one, I had a room with 3 matching beds, but of Course I only used one.
Day6 Jedburgh toEdinburgh I left the B&B at 9am and headed North to go over the Firth of Forth Bridge using mainly cycle paths the weather was getting bad, with thunder, lightning and heavy rain so I just had to stop about 6 miles from the Forth Bridge and Find a B&B I was completely drenched, but apart from the weather felt good, but just had to stop because you do not know when you might see the next B&B. At about 6pm the rain had stopped and I ventured out to get some food walked across the park opposite and took a few footpaths to a pub that did food I had sausages and mash nothing exotic but it most welcome.
Day 7 Edinburgh to Pitlochry I left the B&B at 9am and headed north over the Forth Bridge using mainly cycle paths after crossing the Bridge I headed towards Kelty,Kinross and then on to Perth I went through the town centre and picked up the A9 Going towards Pitlochry It was there that my Bottom Brackett was getting too much play, and headed for a bike shop, The mechanic changed the bracket for me straight away so I did not have to stop for any length of time.
I found a Guest House in the high street showered and again went looking for food. Tomorrow I will be heading for Inverness.
Day8 Pitlochry to Inverness I left Pitlochry at 9pm and carried on along the A9 all the way to Inverness it was not ideal but I managed it alright, some sections had a cycle paths, and I sometimes used those, but I mostly kept to the road. I managed to take a few pictures on route of the scenery but it’s impossible to do it justice Scotland is so scenic you just cannot do it Justice.
On arrival at Inverness I could not remember where I had stayed before but eventually remembered and managed to get a very nice B&B with an elderly lady, but very much with it, again it was a terrace house but it was a palace inside, after a bath again went to a pub for fish and chips came back and went to bed.
Day9 Inverness to Crask Inn I left Inverness and cycled over the Morey Firth Bridge to a signpost pointing to Bonar Bridge it’s a very scenic route I have done it before and there many viewing places to take pictures. I Stopped at Boner Bridge for about 45m to buy some food and drink in the local store then carried on to Lairg then on to the Crask Inn where I wanted to stop, the Inn was fully booked but the owner was very kind and said 3 fishermen had booked on old crofters house it was not in good condition, and he would ask them to let me stay the night, it was only 50 yards away from the Inn. It just meant that I would have to sleep under the stairs on a make shift bed. That was no problem for me I quite liked the idea. The three fishermen were real Northerners and we got on very well especially as the evening wore on and the whisky flowed, the men’s names were John, Angus and Mick I really enjoyed there company it took me back to when I was bricklayer working at the Tottenham Gas Works. They did stay up late though, and were still drinking at 2am, I must say I did join in a little but I really wanted to get to sleep.
There are three other cyclists staying at the Inn and we had very good evening meal together and compared notes about our ride they had come from Lands End and were also were going to finish their ride tomorrow.
10th Day Crask Inn to John O Groats
Left the Crask Inn after breakfast with Angus,John and Emma it was obvious they were too fast for me, So I let them go, and continued on to Altnaharra on my own, I then I took the right fork along the Straithnaver To Bettyhill then continued on to Thurso, I rode some of the last few miles with John and Angus( who I caught up with at Thurso,) to John O Groats There I went straight away and booked a Trip over to the Orkneys for tomorrow. I then went to the sign post and John took some pictures of me standing by the John O Groats sign.
I booked in at the Sea View Hotel for the night and had a meal in the bar before turning in for the night.
11th Day John O Groats to Orkneys and Wick
Have my conducted tour of the Orkneys today, you take the Ferry over to the island, and the coach is waiting for you on the other side to take you to the interesting sites, the trip takes 10 hours so you get your money’s worth. The ferry gets back at 7.45pm and I had to ride hard to get back to Wick as I was staying with Alex Sian Fiance and a Salvation Army Officer that night. I made it just before dark it is 17 miles and quite hilly. I intend to leave my bike at the bike shop in Wick they do a service of posting it back to your home Alex is helping me with that.
Alex and I had a long chat on arrival and I then had a nice bath and went to bed.
!2th Day Train Home, via Wick Inverness Edinburgh,Stevenage, and Potters Bar then car home.
Alex made me some bacon sandwiches and took me to the train station. The train was due to leave at 6.20am unfortunately I left the bacon sandwiches on the table so Alex made a second trip to the Station with the sandwiches and made it just in time before the train was due to leave. Can’t thank him enough for his hospitality and the bacon sandwiches. I eventually got home at 9.30pm approximately. Mission Accomplished.
I covered 699 miles in 10 riding days at an average speed of 10.3 miles per hour, my total time moving on bike was69 hours27minutes 02seconds I did a further 17 miles to Wick after my Orkneys trip.