Going Dutch 2016
Following our successful cycling holiday to Belgium last year , 9 of us got together in November to plan our first cycling tour , this time to Holland. Most of the group had never carried panniers before , so the prospect of moving on each day added a sense of adventure.
The IJsselmeer cycle route. In 1932 the Dutch created a huge inland lake by building a 20 mile long dike (the Afsluitdijk), separating the Zuiderzee from the North sea. Our plan was to cycle the 250 mile cycle route that now encircles the IJsselmeer. We wanted to complete this in five days , to allow a final day of sightseeing (without our bikes) in Amsterdam.
Day 1 (Travelling) Derek was already tucking into his evening meal when the rest of us arrived at our first hotel in Huizen (our start point). He’d cycled the 70 miles from the Hook after an overnight crossing, and was tired after fighting a headwind all the way. Christine and I were also very tired on arrival, but our reason was not so glamorous - we’d both mysteriously developed heavy colds on the ferry , which were to plague us for the rest of the week. Despite all claims of innocence, our reputations were clearly ruined by this coincidence -- (or perhaps mine was was enhanced.!)
All helmeted - except Derek , in true Dutch style |
- Day 2 Huizen to Hoorn - 52 miles. The sun shines on the righteous (and the Devil looks after his own ) and after all the lousy weather of the previous week, we were relieved to set off on a generally sunny day. Our route closely followed the coast in a NE direction, straight into a light wind - wind substitutes for hills in Holland. It is impossible to get lost in the Netherlands (well almost ) as all routes are so clearly signposted. In addition we had 3 Garmin Geeks within the group to confirm each twist and turn.
Derek led the way, and proved to have an excellent nose for finding the all important coffee/cake and lunch stops, and Graham and Chris quickly established themselves as Dutch apple cake connoisseurs. The scenery en route to Hoorn became ever more “Dutch”in character, with immaculate Dutch Gabled houses, windmills and numerous small harbours filled with sailing barges. The only things missing that would have made us feel at home were --- pot holes and litter!
At one point we stopped along the path to adjust clothing etc. ,when a lycra clad cyclist came cruising past, cheerily waved, and called out something like “schnorgle snuurf”. Stan, who’d had his head down and not seen him approaching, immediately looked up and responded with a confident “grouffle grountle”. The cyclist seemed happy and we were impressed by Stan’s fluency, until he admitted it was simply a reaction to the surprise.
Our first Windmill was at Katham , just before Volendam .This appeared to be working ,but the wind was so light we did wonder whether it was electrically powered for the tourists.These mills were used to pump water from the polders , a job later done by steam and now electric pumps. Most of Holland’s power comes from coal , but wind turbines are everywhere to be seen - so these must make a significant contribution
We made an essential ice cream stop in Edam, where Sue had to be dissuaded from buying a chunk of cheese that would have slowed her down for the next 200 miles.
Our destination in Hoorn was just over an hour’s ride from Edam , and we were all pleased to arrive at our hotel at about 5.30 p.m. Bikes were stored in a Garage , and our meal consisted of an "eat as much as you wish" from a selection of about 20 mini dishes - we all ate plenty to finish a pleasing and happy day
Day 3. Hoorn to Workum 57 miles. This was the day of the dreaded Afsluitdijk crossing - 20 miles of exposed cycling , and thunder and lightning had been forecasted. In preparation we appointed our tallest rider (Graham) to be our lightning conductor and were wondering where we could get a metal helmet for him when we noticed that ,in fact, it was bright and sunny outside without any sign of Thor and his hammer.
I think we all found it a challenge , but those of us with coughs and colds were particularly brave and deserve special mention.
Although dead flat ,the path looked to be rising, and a mirage on the motorway made it look wet. Derek and Stan at one stage must have been a good two or three miles ahead of us mere mortals, and could be seen as minute white and yellow dots on the disappearing point. We saw a number of lycra louts whizzing past in the opposite direction with the wind behind them - we wondered whether they caught the (bike) bus back.
Although dead flat ,the path looked to be rising, and a mirage on the motorway made it look wet. Derek and Stan at one stage must have been a good two or three miles ahead of us mere mortals, and could be seen as minute white and yellow dots on the disappearing point. We saw a number of lycra louts whizzing past in the opposite direction with the wind behind them - we wondered whether they caught the (bike) bus back.
Day 4 Workum to Sloten 31.2 miles. This was our planned easy day ; a shorter ride as a reward for crossing the dyke. Again the sky was generally bright but the temperature had dropped noticeably. Our route quickly led us to the coast and a village called Hindeloopen - a pleasant , convenient and necessary loo stop given the temperature.
Rowingbike |
Our lunch stop was in the pretty harbour of Blokzijl, where most of ate at the Prins Mauritshus restaurant, but where Derek and Graham gorged themselves at a takeaway fish restaurant opposite. It was fortunate that this was a pretty stop (and warm) as it was here that Jerry decided to have his puncture. In fact he had two , and it transpired these were due to a manufacturing fault on some tubes he’d bought. After patching him up we were on our way again passing another windmill and feeling really Dutch as we crossed the Zwarte Water by ferry at Cellamuiden. We then travelled on to the large town of Kampen where we passed over the river IJsssel and did our one and only battle with traffic. Cars had been very deferential all the while we were on paths, but once on main city roads ….
After Kampen it was a pleasant ride along lanes to find our Hotel . This was very much a Travelodge type hotel situated on a motorway , but the restaurant was nothing like Little Chef - fully licenced and full menu. The food and surroundings were also excellent
The next highlight of the day was lunch in Harderwijk ; a large holiday resort with a small sandy beach. We thought at first how nice it was that two mounted police were taking holiday snaps of the beach , then realized they were taking evidence of two dogs roaming free on the beach. We sipped our coffee as we watched them ride slowly down to the owners. Unfortunately they were out of earshot - it would have been entertaining to learn some expletive Dutch.
What we did hear however was a choir of men , dressed in bright pink , singing the song of the Hebrew slaves from a barge across the bay.
Back in Heutzen , celebrating the completion of the tour. |
We left Haderwijk to the sound of them singing ,and made our way back to our first hotel in Huizen and a drink to celebrate our completion of 253 miles around the IJsselmeer. True to form, the service at this hotel was slow (and that’s a compliment), but we were too pleased with ourselves to complain too loudly.
our guide Raphael |
Arrival in Amsterdam |
Day 8 Journey home. Derek left Huizen well before the rest of us as he had the 70 mile return journey to the Hook before catching an overnight ferry. He had some rain but an otherwise good trip.
Our return home was uneventful . Somehow the ferry crossing seemed longer going back than coming, and some of us even resorted to playing cards. Thunder and lightning greeted us as we approached Hertfordshire , this being the only bad weather of the holiday.
It was a great trip and very much a team effort , so thanks to all for the parts you played and the cheerful easy going company.
Chris deserves a special mention as - like last year - she was a real inspiration, source of encouragement and efficient organiser from the start ; thanks Chris and well done for cheerfully battling through your cough/cold. Really appreciated.
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